
How To Get Cigarette Smell Out Of House

  • Clean Out All Ashtrays


    Smoke damaged home

    Clean Out All Ashtrays


    Photo Credit: HGTV Canada

    The first step in getting rid of any unpleasant smell is to remove the source. So, start by cleaning out all ashtrays. Make sure all cigarette butts have been extinguished properly so that they won't be a fire hazard in the trash. <BR><BR> Related: <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">7 of the Worst Things Scott McGillivray Has Come Across in Canadian Homes</a>

    Clean Out All Ashtrays

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    The first step in getting rid of any unpleasant smell is to remove the source. So, start by cleaning out all ashtrays. Make sure all cigarette butts have been extinguished properly so that they won't be a fire hazard in the trash. <BR><BR> Related: <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">7 of the Worst Things Scott McGillivray Has Come Across in Canadian Homes</a>

    Photo Credit: HGTV Canada

  • Open window

    Open the Windows


    Photo Credit: Getty Images

    Open as many windows as you can to air out the house. Fresh air will flow in, while the stale, smoky air will flow out. <br><br> Related: <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Our Editors Can't Live Without These Amazing Cleaning Products</a>

    Open the Windows

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    Open as many windows as you can to air out the house. Fresh air will flow in, while the stale, smoky air will flow out. <br><br> Related: <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Our Editors Can't Live Without These Amazing Cleaning Products</a>

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  • Fan in living area

    Turn on the Fans


    Photo Credit: Getty Images

    Place some fans strategically throughout your house, pointing towards doors and windows. Turning on the fans will not only increase air flow but if you place them wisely, they can help push out the smelly air faster.

    Turn on the Fans

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    Place some fans strategically throughout your house, pointing towards doors and windows. Turning on the fans will not only increase air flow but if you place them wisely, they can help push out the smelly air faster.

    Photo Credit: Getty Images

  • Sprinkle Baking Soda


    Baking soda

    Sprinkle Baking Soda


    Photo Credit: Getty Images

    There are many <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">things you should be cleaning with baking soda</a>, but this common household item is also a very effective smoke odour eliminator. It does this by neutralizing the odour molecules. Sprinkle some baking soda on all surfaces that smell strongly of smoke, especially the carpets and fabric-covered surfaces. Let it sit for a day before vacuuming it. <BR><BR> Related: <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">How to Remove the Smell of Dog and Cat in Your Home</a>

    Sprinkle Baking Soda

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    There are many <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">things you should be cleaning with baking soda</a>, but this common household item is also a very effective smoke odour eliminator. It does this by neutralizing the odour molecules. Sprinkle some baking soda on all surfaces that smell strongly of smoke, especially the carpets and fabric-covered surfaces. Let it sit for a day before vacuuming it. <BR><BR> Related: <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">How to Remove the Smell of Dog and Cat in Your Home</a>

    Photo Credit: Getty Images

  • Wash All Fabric Items


    Washing fabric items

    Wash All Fabric Items


    Photo Credit: Getty Images

    Cigarette smoke penetrates into everything made of fabric and the only real way to get rid of the <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">smell</a> is to wash those items. So, choose a sunny day to wash all your linens, curtains, pillow covers, sofa covers, clothes and so on. Let these items hang outside to dry while you clean out the smoke smell from your house or they'll just reabsorb the smell if you bring them back in too soon. <br><br> Related: <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">From Appliances to Fabrics: How Often Should You Clean These Things in Your Home?</a>

    Wash All Fabric Items

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    Cigarette smoke penetrates into everything made of fabric and the only real way to get rid of the <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">smell</a> is to wash those items. So, choose a sunny day to wash all your linens, curtains, pillow covers, sofa covers, clothes and so on. Let these items hang outside to dry while you clean out the smoke smell from your house or they'll just reabsorb the smell if you bring them back in too soon. <br><br> Related: <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">From Appliances to Fabrics: How Often Should You Clean These Things in Your Home?</a>

    Photo Credit: Getty Images

  • A wall hanging

    Clean Wall Hangings


    Photo Credit: Getty Images

    If you have wall hangings made of wool, canvas or other textiles, they have probably absorbed the smell of cigarette smoke too. Carefully wipe them down with a mild soap, some water and a wash cloth and leave them outside to dry while you clean the rest of the house. <br><br> Related: <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">12 Items to Ditch From Your Home to Prove You're an Adult</a>

    Clean Wall Hangings

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    If you have wall hangings made of wool, canvas or other textiles, they have probably absorbed the smell of cigarette smoke too. Carefully wipe them down with a mild soap, some water and a wash cloth and leave them outside to dry while you clean the rest of the house. <br><br> Related: <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">12 Items to Ditch From Your Home to Prove You're an Adult</a>

    Photo Credit: Getty Images

  • Wash Hard Surfaces With Vinegar


    Vinegar and cleaning tools

    Wash Hard Surfaces With Vinegar


    Photo Credit: Getty Images

    Hard surfaces like floors and kitchen counters are just some of the <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">things you should be cleaning with vinegar</a>. When it comes to how to get rid of cigarette odour, vinegar comes in especially handy. Make a solution of about two thirds distilled white vinegar and one third water and use this to wash all hard surfaces, including the walls. Cigarette smoke leaves a greasy residue and the vinegar will dissolve this. <br><br> Related: <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">The Ultimate Guide to Disinfecting Every Surface of Your House</a>

    Wash Hard Surfaces With Vinegar

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    Hard surfaces like floors and kitchen counters are just some of the <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">things you should be cleaning with vinegar</a>. When it comes to how to get rid of cigarette odour, vinegar comes in especially handy. Make a solution of about two thirds distilled white vinegar and one third water and use this to wash all hard surfaces, including the walls. Cigarette smoke leaves a greasy residue and the vinegar will dissolve this. <br><br> Related: <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">The Ultimate Guide to Disinfecting Every Surface of Your House</a>

    Photo Credit: Getty Images

  • Use Ammonia to Scrub Away Stubborn Smells


    Washing a wall with ammonia

    Use Ammonia to Scrub Away Stubborn Smells


    Photo Credit: Getty Images

    If there are areas in your home where the cigarette smell seems to stick no matter what you do, it's time to bring out the big guns. Make a solution of one cup of ammonia to about four litres of warm water and use it to scrub those stubborn spots. The smell of ammonia will go away on its own after a while.

    Use Ammonia to Scrub Away Stubborn Smells

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    If there are areas in your home where the cigarette smell seems to stick no matter what you do, it's time to bring out the big guns. Make a solution of one cup of ammonia to about four litres of warm water and use it to scrub those stubborn spots. The smell of ammonia will go away on its own after a while.

    Photo Credit: Getty Images

  • Replace the Furnace Filter


    Replacing a furnace filter

    Replace the Furnace Filter


    Photo Credit: Getty Images

    Furnace filters trap the smells and contaminants from cigarette smoke and as they fill up, these nasty chemicals travel through the house and distribute the smell. Replace the filter with clean ones to keep the air fresh. <br><br> Related: <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">11 Places You Probably Forgot to Clean in Your House</a>

    Replace the Furnace Filter

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    Furnace filters trap the smells and contaminants from cigarette smoke and as they fill up, these nasty chemicals travel through the house and distribute the smell. Replace the filter with clean ones to keep the air fresh. <br><br> Related: <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">11 Places You Probably Forgot to Clean in Your House</a>

    Photo Credit: Getty Images

  • Clean the Air Ducts


    Cleaning air ducts in a home

    Clean the Air Ducts


    Photo Credit: Getty Images

    When cigarette smoke enters the air ducts in your home, it will travel along these ducts and spread throughout the house. Clean the ducts to ensure there is no smoke residue left that can cause bad smells.

    Clean the Air Ducts

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    When cigarette smoke enters the air ducts in your home, it will travel along these ducts and spread throughout the house. Clean the ducts to ensure there is no smoke residue left that can cause bad smells.

    Photo Credit: Getty Images

  • Place Coffee Grounds Throughout Your House


    Coffee grounds from espresso machine

    Place Coffee Grounds Throughout Your House


    Photo Credit: Getty Images

    Using coffee grounds in your garden is one of those <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">weird plant tips that actually work</a>. However, coffee grounds don't have to just go straight into your green space. They absorb odours and will fill your home with the smell of freshly brewed coffee instead. Put them in bowls or sachets in strategic places in your home. Clean out the bowls after a day or so to prevent mould. <br><br> Related: <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">How to Clean Your Kitchen Using All-Natural Solutions to Save You Time and Money</a>

    Place Coffee Grounds Throughout Your House

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    Using coffee grounds in your garden is one of those <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">weird plant tips that actually work</a>. However, coffee grounds don't have to just go straight into your green space. They absorb odours and will fill your home with the smell of freshly brewed coffee instead. Put them in bowls or sachets in strategic places in your home. Clean out the bowls after a day or so to prevent mould. <br><br> Related: <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">How to Clean Your Kitchen Using All-Natural Solutions to Save You Time and Money</a>

    Photo Credit: Getty Images

  • Charcoal

    Put Out Charcoal


    Photo Credit: Getty Images

    Charcoal is one of the most effective weapons to have in your odour removal arsenal. Activated charcoal is more efficient, but also more expensive than the regular briquettes you use for your summer barbecue. You can use either, though, by placing it strategically in areas where you need it to absorb the smell of smoke.

    Put Out Charcoal

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    Charcoal is one of the most effective weapons to have in your odour removal arsenal. Activated charcoal is more efficient, but also more expensive than the regular briquettes you use for your summer barbecue. You can use either, though, by placing it strategically in areas where you need it to absorb the smell of smoke.

    Photo Credit: Getty Images

  • Wipe Down Surfaces With Vanilla Extract


    Bottle of vanilla extract

    Wipe Down Surfaces With Vanilla Extract


    Photo Credit: Getty Images

    Pour a few drops of vanilla extract on a wet rag or sponge and use it to wipe down surfaces, including ornaments and other bric-a-brac. The vanilla will mask the scent of cigarette smoke as well as other bad smells, including pet odours.

    Wipe Down Surfaces With Vanilla Extract

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    Pour a few drops of vanilla extract on a wet rag or sponge and use it to wipe down surfaces, including ornaments and other bric-a-brac. The vanilla will mask the scent of cigarette smoke as well as other bad smells, including pet odours.

    Photo Credit: Getty Images

  • Cotton balls

    Put Out Vanilla


    Photo Credit: Getty Images

    It's also a good idea to place cotton balls soaked in vanilla extract (or even small bowls with vanilla extract) strategically throughout your home. The smell will linger for longer if you do it this way rather than just wiping surfaces with vanilla extract.

    Put Out Vanilla

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    It's also a good idea to place cotton balls soaked in vanilla extract (or even small bowls with vanilla extract) strategically throughout your home. The smell will linger for longer if you do it this way rather than just wiping surfaces with vanilla extract.

    Photo Credit: Getty Images

  • Make a Steam Deodorizer


    Steam rising from a pot of boiling water

    Make a Steam Deodorizer


    Photo Credit: Getty Images

    An incredibly simple way to deodorize your home is to use the power of steam. Mix some vanilla extract, essential oils or citrus fruits with water. Then let it boil for about 20 minutes to let the fragrant steam travel through the house. You can also microwave it for a few minutes on high – which is one of the <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">hacks to clean your microwave in minutes</a> – and then open the microwave to let the steam escape.

    Make a Steam Deodorizer

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    An incredibly simple way to deodorize your home is to use the power of steam. Mix some vanilla extract, essential oils or citrus fruits with water. Then let it boil for about 20 minutes to let the fragrant steam travel through the house. You can also microwave it for a few minutes on high – which is one of the <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">hacks to clean your microwave in minutes</a> – and then open the microwave to let the steam escape.

    Photo Credit: Getty Images

  • Use the Power of Fresh Produce


    Apples and apple slices

    Use the Power of Fresh Produce


    Photo Credit: Getty Images

    Fresh produce like apples, pears and citrus fruits can absorb bad smells in small spaces. Simply cut them into slices and leave the slices out overnight. Fruit pieces may even replace the bad smells with their own mouth-watering aroma. Remember though that overripe fruit is one of the <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">things that attract bad bugs into your house</a>, so remember to throw away the fruit pieces in the morning.

    Use the Power of Fresh Produce

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    Fresh produce like apples, pears and citrus fruits can absorb bad smells in small spaces. Simply cut them into slices and leave the slices out overnight. Fruit pieces may even replace the bad smells with their own mouth-watering aroma. Remember though that overripe fruit is one of the <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">things that attract bad bugs into your house</a>, so remember to throw away the fruit pieces in the morning.

    Photo Credit: Getty Images

  • Bottle of lavender oil

    Use Essential Oils


    Photo Credit: Getty Images

    For a quick deodorizing trick, make your own air-freshening spray. Simply blend a few drops of essential oils like lavender, orange, mint, eucalyptus, patchouli, rosemary, sage or tea tree with a bit of vodka and some water. Put this in a spray bottle and spritz as needed. <BR><BR> Related: <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">DIY, All-Natural Cleaning Products and Air Fresheners You Can Make at Home</a>

    Use Essential Oils

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    For a quick deodorizing trick, make your own air-freshening spray. Simply blend a few drops of essential oils like lavender, orange, mint, eucalyptus, patchouli, rosemary, sage or tea tree with a bit of vodka and some water. Put this in a spray bottle and spritz as needed. <BR><BR> Related: <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">DIY, All-Natural Cleaning Products and Air Fresheners You Can Make at Home</a>

    Photo Credit: Getty Images

  • Use Incense or Scented Candles


    Scented candles

    Use Incense or Scented Candles


    Photo Credit: Getty Images

    Incense and scented candles are a cost-effective way of masking bad smells like that of cigarette smoke. Simply choose your favourite fragrance – cedarwood and vanilla are especially effective – and burn it where needed. Remember though to never let incense or candles burn when you're not in the room, since they are fire hazards.

    Use Incense or Scented Candles

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    Incense and scented candles are a cost-effective way of masking bad smells like that of cigarette smoke. Simply choose your favourite fragrance – cedarwood and vanilla are especially effective – and burn it where needed. Remember though to never let incense or candles burn when you're not in the room, since they are fire hazards.

    Photo Credit: Getty Images

  • Get Some Air-Purifying Plants


    House plants

    Get Some Air-Purifying Plants


    Photo Credit: Getty Images

    Some indoor plants have fragrant flowers that can help mask bad odours in your house. Cigarette smoke, however, also releases harmful chemicals like ammonia, tuolene, methylamine, acetone and even arsenic. Consider getting <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">plants that will improve the air quality in your home</a> by absorbing these chemicals.

    Get Some Air-Purifying Plants

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    Some indoor plants have fragrant flowers that can help mask bad odours in your house. Cigarette smoke, however, also releases harmful chemicals like ammonia, tuolene, methylamine, acetone and even arsenic. Consider getting <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">plants that will improve the air quality in your home</a> by absorbing these chemicals.

    Photo Credit: Getty Images

  • Have a Designated Smoking Area


    Smoking area sign and ashtray

    Have a Designated Smoking Area


    Photo Credit: Getty Images

    To prevent that nasty cigarette smell from entering your house again, have a designated smoking area. Create a cosy corner outside on the deck or balcony with sufficient ashtrays where smokers can indulge. <br><BR> Related: <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">How to Declutter Every Room in Your House (Now's the Time!) </a>

    Have a Designated Smoking Area

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    To prevent that nasty cigarette smell from entering your house again, have a designated smoking area. Create a cosy corner outside on the deck or balcony with sufficient ashtrays where smokers can indulge. <br><BR> Related: <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">How to Declutter Every Room in Your House (Now's the Time!) </a>

    Photo Credit: Getty Images

  • How To Get Cigarette Smell Out Of House


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